WARNING: I've always been to the point. My experience has deepened my empathy whilst stirring my zeal to live our best, God glorifying lives. So, if you are easily offended you may be in for a rough ride!! 😉 On this site you will find me talking about relationships regularly but lots of other stuff too. I feel especially burdened to help out blokes. Men are societies punch bag too often so I will be speaking in to men's lives directly as well as sharing a guy's perspective.
You will see a LOT of pics and posts about my wonderful daughter, India, she is a gift from God of which I am profoundly grateful. There is a bitter sweet in the sense that my hopes and dreams for having a family have been shattered yet there is a hope that God will use this all for His glory.
My primary focus right now is to be a great father. This is my greatest ministry calling to date and one I am loving!
Ministering to people is what I do... This has looked different for the past few years but I am sure I will be leading in church again in the near future.
At this present time I feel God's grace in sharing my journey and insights especially in the area of theology, sex, divorce, church marriage and relationships which comes from my own personal journey.
Time to time I will exhort The Church to holiness, this will never be from a heart to 'bash'. The reason my wife and I didn't reconcile was because she went to a church where the leadership helped cover up the affair she was having with a staff member. I don't have any bitterness, but it rightly stirs me to encourage the Church to hold on to Biblical values and do better.
'Authentic' (often wearing the t-shirt!) has been a defining word for my life. I pioneered a Young Adults movement of the same name for that reason. That is what this site is for... a place I can share and discuss things and be the real and genuine me... warts and all!
Since meeting Jesus I had a desire to reach people with the Gospel. That led naturally to ministry, though I've mostly been bi-vocational. As of this moment I own a motor dealership, work for a mens ministry and minister in a variety of other context. My main passion is talking about blokes stuff with christian men and assisting church leaders develop and strategies for church growth which I do from www.zealforthehouse.com .
I've had a couple of companies, was a pastor for over 10 years; repurposed church, planted church, senior team in multi site churches, pioneering a leading one of UK's leading church software systems iKnow Church, been a governor and so on.
Being a guy in ministry I would always start by saying I was married to the hottest woman on the planet when guest speaking. Sadly this is no longer the case, we separated in April 2018. I hoped and sought reconciliation for 2.5 years, eventually releasing her to the life she had chosen.
Divorcing has been the most painful thing in my life & brought me to my knees more times than I can tell you. It highlighted things I needed to change and made me consider marriage, relationships and stuff affecting blokes more.